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Table Purchase

(Donations through table purchase will enjoy 250% tax deduction)

Table Pricing


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Please select your preferred donation mode:

JASS Gala Table Packages (Individual):

JASS Gala Table Packages (Corporate):



Jazz Association (Singapore) is an Institution of Public Character. Hence, cash donations will qualify for 250% tax deduction and be automatically included in your tax assessment if you provide your NRIC/FIN, or Co Reg No for organisations. For more information, please visit


For Individuals, cash donations of SGD 10,000 and above will be nominated for the National Art Council’s Patron of the Arts Awards. For organisations, the minimum donation amount to qualify for nomination is SGD 50,000. For more information, please visit

Thank You for Making Jazz Happen!



Mrs Susan Peh

Gala Chairperson

(Board Vice-Chairman)

Dr Edmund Lam

(Board Chairman)

Mr Sean Wu 

(Board Treasurer)

Professor Jeremy Monteiro 

(Board & Executive Director)

Mr Abdullah Tarmugi

(Board Director)

Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan

(Board Director)

Mrs Sandra Chang

(Board Director)

Ms Sally Liew

(Board Director)

Mr Christopher Chuah

(Board Director)

Ms Cho Pei Lin

Dr Euan Murugasu
Mr Lucas Yang Taisong

Mr George So

Mr Patrick Ee



Ms Seraphim Cheong

Ms Shanice Khoo

Ms Cheryl Seet

Mr Benjamin Zhu

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Jazz Association (Singapore) (JASS)

A Charity Registered in Singapore (UEN 201626167G)

1 Straits Boulevard, 11-03F Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, Singapore 018906

Tel: (65) 6741 0337 |

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